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Lewis Hamilton se posiciona en las elecciones de Estados Unidos entre Donald Trump y Joe Biden
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Lewis Hamilton se posiciona en las elecciones de Estados Unidos entre Donald Trump y Joe Biden

Donald Trump, Joe Biden y Lewis Hamilton.
Donald Trump, Joe Biden y Lewis Hamilton.

El próximo 3 de noviembre se celebrarán en Estados Unidos las Elecciones Presidenciales con Donald Trump y Joe Biden peleando por ocupar el sillón en la Casa Blanca. Muchos deportistas se han posicionado ya, sobre todo en la NBA, y el último ha sido Lewis Hamilton, tal y como ha demostrado en sus redes sociales.

El piloto inglés ha compartido vídeos en sus historias de Instagram de la Convención del Partido Demócrata que se está celebrando estos días en Milwaukee. Con un tema tan candente como el racismo entre las propuestas que marcarán el devenir de las Elecciones, el líder del Mundial 2020 ha destacado a dos afroamericanos.

El apoyo de Lewis Hamilton a Kamala Harris.
El apoyo de Lewis Hamilton a Kamala Harris.

Lewis Hamilton ha compartido los discursos del expresidente Barack Obama y la candidata a vicepresidenta Kamala Harris en los que el racismo, que tanto ha combatido el de Mercedes, ocupa una parte primordial. "No hay vacuna para el racismo", destaca el piloto junto a las palabras de Harris, la segunda a bordo de Joe Biden.

De momento, la candidatura Biden-Harris tendría un 50% de estimación de voto, según el último sondeo de la CNN. El binomio demócrata superaría el 46% de la dupla republicana Trump-Pence.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

Tonight, I am asking you to believe in Joe and Kamala’s ability to lead this country out of these dark times and build it back better. But here’s the thing: no single American can fix this country alone. Not even a president. Democracy was never meant to be transactional–you give me your vote; I make everything better. It requires an active and informed citizenry. So I am also asking you to believe in your own ability—to embrace your own responsibility as citizens—to make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure. Because that’s what at stake right now. Our democracy. Look, I understand why many Americans are down on government. The way the rules have been set up and abused in Congress make it easy for special interests to stop progress. Believe me, I know. I understand why a white factory worker who’s seen his wages cut or his job shipped overseas might feel like the government no longer looks out for him, and why a Black mother might feel like it never looked out for her at all. I understand why a new immigrant might look around this country and wonder whether there’s still a place for him here; why a young person might look at politics right now, the circus of it all, the meanness and the lies and crazy conspiracy theories and think, what’s the point? Well, here’s the point: this president and those in power—those who benefit from keeping things the way they are—they are counting on your cynicism. They know they can’t win you over with their policies. So they’re hoping to make it as hard as possible for you to vote, and to convince you that your vote doesn’t matter. That’s how they win. That’s how they get to keep making decisions that affect your life, and the lives of the people you love. That’s how the economy will keep getting skewed to the wealthy and well-connected, how our health systems will let more people fall through the cracks. That’s how a democracy withers, until it’s no democracy at all. We can’t let that happen. Do not let them take away your power. Don’t let them take away your democracy. Make a plan right now for how you’re going to get involved and vote. Do it as early as you can and tell your family and friends, too.

Una publicación compartida de Barack Obama (@barackobama) el

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